2014 | Valiullah Hashmi
The hopes of millions are riding on the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate to make a dramatic turnover for the people of India..and the BJP does manage to secure a single party majority in the Lok Sabha, a feat unprecedented since the 1984 general elections. But is the PM a person without scars? And do certain events post election stand testimony to a historic allegiance of the PM to a right wing fanatic group that is bent on destabilizing the nation? And what does his silence say on those particular issues? I would like to explore the concept of a deformed rebirth. A new being/entity being resurrected with the consciousness of the people which is like a scarred living breathing organism supporting its rise. But at the same time one can notice a that the entity is deformed by the winds of time which have blown away certain parts of it. Earth would be an element present below with clouds and winds present above. A mandala can also be added in order to connect the two elements from behind the entity.